Digital Composition
Design Brief:
Swinburne Online
(Swinburne Student Project)
Design Brief:
We were invited to explore the abstract manipulation of image information with the aim of integrating more advanced photo-illustrative techniques.
Additionally, in response to two formal design propositions that share a relationship with the term ‘transition’ image tiles that document the application (and control) of relevant image compositing techniques were required to be developed.
The design propositions were:
Capture Release: Exploring the abstract manipulation of image information
Digital Glue: Considering the design and styling of digital compositing
Design Outcome:
Using compositing techniques and glitch effects, several compositions were developed using original imagery and photoshop.
Inspiration was drawn from research and each composition was a result of careful planning. Additionally, I felt the images needed to have something to say. For example, Resilience drew inspiration from fashion images, particularly Hermes. I felt that just as clothes might be scrunched up and folded out again like the paper, so too are we as humans. If we were to unfold ourselves out like paper, every crease would be representative of a challenge overcome, a success, a failure, a love won or lost, that are each so entwined with the human experience.
Tape was compiled to create the sense of being muted, and of fading into the background as a result. I also desired to evoke the frustrating feeling one experiences when a word is stubbornly just on the tip of your tongue (lethologica). I felt that combined, this sense of being muted and the frustration of lethologica would communicate and connect with the experience of not being able to speak up or talk about something.
In Two Minds
Down the Toilet